Want to see Twilight: Eclipse early?! Leave a comment below with your name, email address, and number of tickets you want to reserve. Read through previous posts for more details.



On a deadline!

We're running out of time, fellow Twilighters. The movie release date is right around the corner. I was hoping we'd hit our mark with plenty of time to spare, but it looks as though that's not going to happen. The production company needs several weeks notice and we just don't have enough people. If we even had 150-200, we might be able to swing it. I don't know if the word just didn't spread or if there just aren't enough Twilight fans here in ML. So, if we can reach 200 people by May 18, we might be able to pull this off. If not, I guess we'll just have to see Eclipse with the masses on June 30th, rather than our own private showing on June 29th. There you have it. FOUR DAYS--> 161 MORE PEOPLE! Can we do this!?!?!?


  1. I'm just now seeing this...this needs to be all over facebook, I'll post in a few places...I'll take 2 tickets. - Michaelle (info@michaelleboetger.com)

  2. Wow! I thought there would be a gazillion people already! Count me in for 2. Kim at

  3. Count me in for 2 tickets. LeiAnn at joeandlan@gmail.com

  4. I'm interested in 5 tickets! rebeccay104 at yahoo dot com
