Want to see Twilight: Eclipse early?! Leave a comment below with your name, email address, and number of tickets you want to reserve. Read through previous posts for more details.



So, we are now 18 days away from the Eclipse release date.  And I'm sorry dear friends, but I don't think we're going to get to see Eclipse any earlier than that.  We just haven't had enough people reserve tickets.  I also haven't heard anything from Fairchild Cinemas in weeks, which means that they have no new info from Summit (the movie production co.) giving them permission to show it early.  They're keeping this release on lock-down essentially.  So, consider this a flopped attempt and go buy tickets for June 30th before they're gone!  Thanks so much to those of you who spread the word and tried gather support for this event.  Maybe next time!  As a farewell and a thank you, I attached another clip below:


Here's where we are at.  Fairchild has no idea what our timeline is.  They are playing phone tag not only with me but with Summit.  Only, Summit isn't returning their tags.  Fairchild still wants to do the pre-release screening if we hit 200.  So, I guess the best I can say is that Fairchild is still on board and until we hear otherwise from Summit, we keep pressing forward and try to hit our number.  I'm updating our current reservations above each time someone contacts me.  I know, it seems so far away still--kind of like summer with all this wet, soggy, March-like weather we've been having, it IS May, right?-- but it's right around the corner.  We can hit 200!  If everyone who has reserved a ticket sends three people here to reserve, we'll have this in the bag!  Come on, Twilighters!  Do your thing!


New Clips from Eclipse!

New Clips!!! Yay! Go here and here to see two new clips released from the upcoming movie. The first is a short scene between Bella and Rosalie. The second is a confrontation between Edward and Jacob. Enjoy!

P.S. Still waiting to hear back from Fairchild Cinemas. We keep missing each other and leaving messages. I'll let you know when I do. In the meantime, keep sending people here to reserve tickets. We're not in the clear yet.



Alright, folks! This is the list I've got for who has reserved tickets and how many. As you can see, it's not nearly enough. I've been trying to contact Fairchild Cinemas though and can't get through. So, I'm still accepting reservations until I hear otherwise from them. I know how quickly this can spread if it hits the right person, so I haven't given up yet and neither should you. Though I am getting nervous that the release date is a little over a month away. Check the list, make sure you and your friends are on it. I have contact information for everyone on this list except Tiffany Gaul, so if you know her, could you let her know that I need her email. Thanks, everyone!!!

Cherie Kendall 4
Brenda Martinez 5
Kelley Gubler 1
Alayna Shivers 2
Jordyn Darling 1
Valerie Coulson 4
Tiffany Gaul 7
Angie Gilbert 6
Korbi Ashton 8
Jessica Croft 4
Kim Redford 2
Michaelle Boetger 2
LeiAnn 2


I plan on calling Fairchild Cinemas tomorrow to see if I can nail down a deadline exactly. Keep those reservations coming! We're at 49, 101 to go!


On a deadline!

We're running out of time, fellow Twilighters. The movie release date is right around the corner. I was hoping we'd hit our mark with plenty of time to spare, but it looks as though that's not going to happen. The production company needs several weeks notice and we just don't have enough people. If we even had 150-200, we might be able to swing it. I don't know if the word just didn't spread or if there just aren't enough Twilight fans here in ML. So, if we can reach 200 people by May 18, we might be able to pull this off. If not, I guess we'll just have to see Eclipse with the masses on June 30th, rather than our own private showing on June 29th. There you have it. FOUR DAYS--> 161 MORE PEOPLE! Can we do this!?!?!?

First Eclipse Clip Released!

The first clip from Eclipse has been released! You can download it on iTunes or go here to Eclipsemovie.org.


Anybody out there?

Okay, people!!! I haven't had any new ticket reservations in several days! If we don't hit our number it's not gonna happen! I'm trying to spread the word, but being the new girl in town, I'm guessing all of you know way more people than me. So PLEASE, tell your friends, make fliers and hand them out at the high school or church or work, post it on your facebook status, and anything else you can think of to spread the word. We need to hit 400 within the next two weeks!!! Fairchild Cinemas needs time to get permission from the production company, so we're on a deadline. It would be so sad if we got so close and then missed the mark. Come on, Twilighters! We can do it!!!!


New Eclipse Trailer released on Oprah last week!!!

Go here, to see the exciting new Eclipse trailer premiered on Oprah last week! Are you telling your friends?!


Stay updated!

I've been talking with a friend who coordinated the Pasco event for New Moon and she's given me a few tips for this all to go smoothly. I realized that I will need a way to contact all of you once the time comes to buy the tickets. If you want to be notified when the time comes, send me an email at kristinjp717@gmail.com. Otherwise the only way for me to contact you will be through this blog. If that is your preference, that's fine. Subscribing to a feed, becoming a follower, or adding this blog to your GoogleReader list would be a great idea to stay informed. But if you don't want to be the last one to know or miss the deadline for ticket purchase, I will need an email address to contact you. Thanks!

Anyone know where I can find a ticker or widget that can count up as we get closer to our goal of 400? I've been looking all morning! We've got 11 as of this morning! Spread the word! Thanks!


Early Eclipse in Moses Lake

How would you like to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse before the masses on June 30? Fairchild Cinema is offering an exclusive PRE-RELEASE DATE SCREENING on JUNE 29!!!! There are some conditions, however. The production company requires us to have a group of at least 400 people to allow this early showing. So here’s what we need to do—talk to your friends, family, neighbors, anyone who loves Twilight and get the word out! Send them to this blog! Leave a comment with your name, how many tickets you want and any questions I can answer for you. I’ll do my best to answer them!

After we have 400 people, I will take that list to Fairchild Cinema and they will work it out with the production company to get us Eclipse! Once they give us the okay, we will go from there and start purchasing the tickets! The sooner we hit 400, the better! I’m counting on all of you to spread the word! Let’s get to it!
